Experimental Darkroom

Digital Darkroom Print, black and white pixelation on photographic paper, Living Photography

Darkroom photography has always held a fascination for me. There is something magical about taking a photograph in one place and then summoning its appearance in another. I think it’s the closest to alchemy that I’m likely to get – but what is more exciting than following the rules of the darkroom  – is breaking the rules. I met Joanna Garrett, a specialist in ‘experimental darkroom’ in 2017 and she has had me hooked ever since.

The experimental darkroom differs from the traditional darkroom in a number of ways – mainly that it there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way of utilizing it, the aim is to find a methodology and aesthetic that work ‘for you’. Through trial, error and lots of research, we are working collaboratively as well as individually in order to develop new bodies of work.

This way of working fits with my printmaking and installation practice and the thrill of finding something that works, as well as subverting a traditional method really excites me. To read more about my experiments with softground etching click here. 

For more information on my worked with sensors, animation and sound click here.

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Images From the Art Zoo

Steph Cottle Art Zoo, Zoo Keeper, by Jane Elizabeth Bennett at the Harris Preston 2018 Images from the Art Zoo

Images from the Art Zoo

Art Zoo took place on the 26th May 2018 and was a success. The aim of Art Zoo was to break down the barriers between artist and audience and give a unique insight into the world of the practicing artist. Take a look at some of the beautiful images taken by Garry Cook below.

Steph Cottle – The Art Zoo, Zoo Keeper

Steph Cottle Art Zoo, Zoo Keeper, by Jane Elizabeth Bennett at the Harris Preston 2018 Images from the Art Zoo
Meet Steph Cottle the Zoo Keeper for Art Zoo At the Harris Museum and Gallery

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Artists at Work in the Art Zoo

Art Zoo, Harris Museum, 26th May 2018

See Real Artists at Work in the Art Zoo! Art Zoo breaks down the barriers between artists and audiences.

Art Zoo is part performance, part installation, and part living sculpture. It is an absurdist event that will give visitors to the Harris a glimpse into the exciting and vibrant world of the artist and see how they work.

Art Zoo took place at the Harris Museum and Art Gallery on the 26th May 2018 and was a great success. Tours of the Harris were lead by the fantastic Stephanie Cottle as the Art Zoo, Zoo Keeper. Some of the specimens that she introduced the visitors to are featured below.

Stephanie Cottle, Art Zoo at the Harris, Zoo Keeper 2018, At Work in the Art Zoo
Stephanie Cottle, Art Zoo at the Harris, Zoo Keeper 2018, At Work in the Art Zoo

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More Artists in the Art Zoo

Art Zoo, Harris Museum, 26th May 2018

It’s not long now until Art Zoo! By popular demand, more artists have been captured and coerced into the Art Zoo at The Harris Museum and Art Gallery.

By popular demand, new editions to the Art Zoo include visual and sonic artist Rob Mullandar and collage an installation artist Tina Dempsey.

Tina Dempsey (Aliquam ultrices scelerisque artifex)

Tina Dempsey is an artist that works effortlessly across a number of mediums, including collage, photography, and installation.

By Popular Demand Tina Dempsey - Collage Artist, Art Zoo, The Harris Preston 2018, Lubaina Himid, Hard Times
Tina Dempsey – Collage Artist, Art Zoo, The Harris Preston 2018, Lubaina Himid, Hard Times

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Stone Lithography

Experimental Stone Lithography, Jane Elizabeth Bennett, 2018

Upskilling with Stone Lithography

Stone Lithography is a skill that I have always wanted to obtain, but it has always seemed to be closer to witchcraft than printmaking.

I think that is part of the magic, taking a stone, drawing materials and array of chemicals, and after many hours of rubbing, flapping and mixing various chemicals a body of work will begin to form.

Jane Elizabeth Bennett, 2018 Using the Offset Press for Lithography
Jane Elizabeth Bennett, 2018 Using the Scraper Press for Stone Lithography

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