Images from the Art Zoo
Art Zoo took place on the 26th May 2018 and was a success. The aim of Art Zoo was to break down the barriers between artist and audience and give a unique insight into the world of the practicing artist. Take a look at some of the beautiful images taken by Garry Cook below.
Steph Cottle – The Art Zoo, Zoo Keeper

Highlights from Collage Artist Tina Dempsey (Aliquam ultrices scelerisque artifex)
As an artist, Tina is a social creature with a sprawling territory, making work from multiple locations in collaboration with numerous artists. During the Art Zoo Dempsey grew her habitat within the Costumes and Textiles Gallery and made work that responds to the colours, textures, and histories of the collections.
During her time in Art Zoo, Tina gave insight into how she has built a living from her practice, how she networks with other artists and what being an artist that works with college means. To see more of her work click here.
Highlights from Artist Rob Mullander (et signorum sonus artifex)
Rob Mullander is an interesting specimen to have had in the Art Zoo, as he, like Tina, works between multiple disciplines. During the Art Zoo, Rob created new work by taking rubbings of old or ‘dead’ technologies in an attempt to record something of them, either accurate or not. Rob spent most of the day taking rubbings and answering questions regarding the evolution and development of his unique techniques.
Highlights from Lithographer Kathryn Poole (procer ex mortuis animalibus artifex)
Kathryn’s practice engages with the idea of ‘memorial’. Through her work, she examines the intimate relationships that she has with death and the traces that are left behind by life.
Lithographers walk a fine line between social and solitary and travel great distances to meet with other printmakers. Lithographers are part of the printmaking family and are known to hoard ‘things’. It was a pleasure to have her in the Art Zoo and her Printmaking practice proved to be a popular stopping point on the tours. She explained that her practice of drawing and printing had more to do with removing information than adding to the photographic images she often takes inspiration from.
Highlights from Installation Artist Jack Woodward (Artifex Institutionem Gingiber Sine Macula)
Jack Woodward is part of the sculpture and installation family and his specific genus is ‘Artifex Institutionem Gingiber Sine Macula’. Sculptors and installation artists are well known for expanding their territories if left unchecked. This became apparent to everyone that stopped by his enclosure in Lubaina’s Cart Gallery. Art Zoo attendees were able to watch Jack build and subsequently destroy his installation. Jack explained that not all art needs to be made of precious materials and last forever. The act of making and playing is an artform in its self.
Highlights from Turner Prize Winning Artis Lubaina Himid (artifex arbitrium laureola)

Turner Prize-winning artist Lubaina Himid was situated in the Ceramics Gallery in order to make drawings. Throughout the day Art Zoo attendees had the opportunity to speak to Lubaina about her practice, academic career and what motivates and inspires her. The absurd nature of the event facilitated a relaxed environment and attendees were able to connect with her informally.

I would like the thank Photographer Garry Cook for his beautiful documentation of the Art Zoo and Into A Better Shape for their dedication to the project.