Artistic and Autistic


Artistic and Autistic An Exhibition at King’s College London (Postponed due to COVID-19)

Artistic and Autistic is an exhibition of work by autistic artists and explores what Autism means to them. As the exhibition has been postponed I have decided to showcase details of the prints ‘The Space Separating’ rather than the full images.

I gained a formal diagnosis in 2016 after receiving counselling in response to stress. I soon realised that the stress and anxiety I was feeling was provoked by having an ‘atypical neurology’ or ‘different’ brain function in a ‘neurotypical’ world.

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Living Photography

Jane Elizabeth Bennett 'Location Adrift' Digital Dark Room Living Photography, Living Photography

Living Photography. What does the word living mean to you?

Living Photography is to be in a constant state of change. To be in motion. Nothing that is living is ever truly still. We breathe, our hearts beat, we move from place to place. Nothing alive is ever truly still. These images are taken in transition, moving between places and states of mind.

Living Photography opens on Wednesday 4th December at the Brunswick Leeds.

Digital Darkroom Print, Living Photography
‘Location Adrift’

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Being Human Festival

A Deep (Subjective) Ache, Being Human Festival Re-Humanising Medicine, Contact

‘Humanising Medicine’ – an exhibition at Bart’s Pathology Museum.

Queen Mary’s University of London and King’s College London have collaborated to bring an exciting exhibition ‘Humanising Medicine’ to Bart’s Pathology Museum.  This evening of art and talks is part of the Being Human Festival and I am so pleased to be showing three new works.

This year the theme of Being Human Festival is ‘Discoveries and Secrets’. However, Queen Mary’s and King’s College have taken this overarching theme one step further with a more intimate narrative – ‘This Time it’s Personal’. I think this is an apt lens to explore modern medicine through. If I have learned anything through my recent experiences being interviewed for BBC Radio 4’s ‘D for Diagnosis‘, and taking part in research with King’s College, the days of broad overarching diagnosis and sweeping statements are coming to an end – medicine and science are becoming personal.

Humanising Medicine, Being Human Festival, Typography by Jane Elizabeth Bennett
Answers (Resolution)

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Make North – Winter Open Studios

Make North

Make North – Winter Open Studios

I’m pleased to announce that I, along with my printmaking colleagues Kathryn Poole and Nick Rhodes, will be showing and selling work at the Make North Winter Open Studios.

I’m so pleased to be showing work with Nick and Kathryn so soon after our exhibition ‘Perceptions’ has closed. It’s such a pleasure to be showing with such talented and passionate makers.

Make North, Winter Open Studios

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